5 responses to “the phenomenon of multiculturalism

  1. I was recently gift shopping at Target for a baby shower and it really dawned on me how multiculturalism is the newest thing! All over the toddler/toy aisles you find products with Dora the Explorer or Diego, all kinds of different “ethnic” dolls, etc. And then I walked into the “princess” aisle and felt like I was inside a giant, pink cotton candy machine. Literally EVERYTHING was pink…I found it funny how even as we are getting more progressive in terms of multiculturalism, we still bombard little girls with examples of what a “girl” should love….toy makers are creating a new breed of multicultural pink princess clones.

  2. gloria domanique

    whether Chinese, Chinese-American, Chinese-Canadian, Chinese-European, my question is why are Chinese men’s penises so small.

    I gave oral sex to my sister’s husband one night, when she was at the dentist. I mean, I literally had to get a magnifying glass, brush through his pubic hair, and then service him. Goodness, it was like chewing on a tooth pick.

    I mean, it was really embarassing. I told all my friends, family and relatives. They were embarassed for HIM!

  3. Our department would like your permission to use your multicultural picture on our website. We have plans to create a series of multicultural pictures with teachers and students but can’t get it done in time. Please let me know your decision.

  4. amen, thanks for posting

  5. I grew up in a multi-racial family; my mom is part Micmac, my step sister Ojibwai, my sister half Jamaican, my step-siblings half-Japanese.

    My mom searched the city, when we were kids, to find black dolls for my black sister and native dolls for my native sister. She searched the bookshelves for books like, “Big Sister Tells Me I’m Black” and “Black is Beautiful”. She searched the city for other little black girls for my sister to be friends with (our city has a very large Asian population, and a moderate-sized Native population, but an almost-non-existent black population). She sent my stepsister to a Native school, where they taught traditional stories and customs and arts. As the only “white” kid in the family, I actually felt a little marginalized and…. well… colourless.

    Ironically, despite this wide range in my generation, all our children are coming out blonde and blue-eyed. My black sister has two extremely white little girls, and their dolls are a mixture of black and white. Her almost-three year old (redhaired and blue-eyed) is a huge Dora fan.

    My blonde, blue-eyed thirteen month-old is perfectly indifferent to the TV, but lights up like a candle, and coos and stares and dances whenever Nia-hao Kailan comes on. I bought a DVD with four episodes on it, and she never ceases to respond with a happy wriggle and a loud exclamation when I put it on.

    I’ve started using the Mandarin phrases in my everyday chatter with her, and today when Kailan said “zai jian!” my daughter waved “bye-bye” at her.

    When my stepsister moved in with us, my mom went to the Native social worker who was working with her and said, “How do I raise this child within her own culture?” and the social worker said, “Don’t worry about it. If you raise a child with high self-esteem, she will seek it out on her own.”

    I think multiculturalism is an essential part of our children’s education. It is the cause of peace and enlightenment. It is the enemy of racism, intolerance and extremism. Regardless of your own race, growing up to appreciate the cultures of others will improve your own self-esteem. Growing up surrounded by images of people who look like you is important, but it is also important to grow up surrounded by images of people who don’t look like you.

    Modern culture is shifting from tokenism to one where people of other cultures are important, effective contributors. Now, people of colour make up less than a third of the TV world, whereas, in North America, they are more than half of the real world. But it’s progress.

    Buy your kids multiracial dolls. Take them to Chinese New Year parades and Rammadan festivals. It’s a _fantastic_ way to grow up, and, regardless of their race, will improve their self-esteem.

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